Nov 26, 2004

nov 24 '04

i am greatly enjoying reading kerismith blog most esp her wish jar tales. the "10 things i learned from the Ya Ya's " is a great read. its all so simply laid out- the ways on living creatively.
she cites that "your life is your art". that "what we do naturally, everyday, is the greatest source". whats nice about it is that you'll be inspired and enthused to do creative things in your life. most of the time, i feel a need to read or watch something inspirational, something happy and positive. with all the sad things going on in this world or to my world, i need to unwind and loosen up a bit. its nice discovering those kind of blogs. keri's writings and artwork is simple but meaningful. you know how we are oftentimes guilty of writing to please others, or how we wanted to be someone else or to be better. she on the otherhand, has developed to just write what ever she feels is right, to be herself as much as she can. i can go all day just reading her blog and just admiring her ideas.
in the same way that i am so into anything oprahs. her shows none of which i have found boring, her choice of books - which i am collecting, (my faves are "Angela's Ashes" and "She's Come Undone". anything oprah. i sound pretty old, with what im writing but its true. i love wit plus wisdom. inspirationals. words like roses and sunsets, meadows and mountains, moon, stars, and clouds, pristine waters, white sandy beaches, majestic lakes, quiet lazy afternoons, starlit skies.
i could go on and on. i just love beautiful and happy words. i want to be happy.

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