like failing QA. on the few weeks of the year wherein i have deliberately planned and decided to get a 100% QA. i have never wanted a 100% QA so badly before. i have done what i thought was my best. and it's frustrating to fail on the only weekend of the year where i have decided to render overtime. frustrating is an understatement. i am sad. disheartened. and displaced again.
because getting good QAs will mean more cash. and more cash will lead me to financial freedom, which in angie's dictionary equates to zero-debt, larger savings and moving on to greener pastures. and quite honestly, i am actually readying myself to embrace changes soon.
sob stories after another. life unfolds with a few each day and sometimes i react as if it is life-threatening. as if i'm standing on a railway track where a train will pass anytime soon. i wish i can wholly say that i am unaffected.
well, affected as i am, i'll sleepwalk thru these few weeks until i get my hard-earned 13th month pay. and i will tell myself to hang on because one thing i've learned, creating artificial stress in my life will make me look like a hag. a tired, ugly old hag. so yup, im hanging on!