In, gaga-over-dao wrote:
"hi! wrote this way back and didn't have the courage to let anyone read it. now i feel more confident, stronger knowing that there are people out there like me, just plain gaga over dao :-) so here goes ...
I used to tease my sister who was so into MG and the F4 coz whenever she sees any one of them she screams and giggles and goes into euphoria (well, I’m exaggerating a little… just a little). I didn’t know who they were then and what the show was about, but still I teased her. She was so baduy and jologs, I thought.
Then I got to watch one episode on MG Rewind and I was hooked. Now, there’s collective screaming, giggling and sighing at 11.30 on weekends.
I saw JY and was hooked (pineapple hair and all). Oh, boy, was I hooked. I’ve always been drawn to the "maginoo pero medyo bastos" types and that was what DMS to me at first. I wasn’t content with MG Rewind and so I bought MG 1 and 2.
Who cares that our electric consumption jumped? Who cares that I sleep at 5am, wake up at 7 and go to work at 8? Just as long as I get to see JY/DMS. At this point, DMS and JY, for me, were interchangeable. My fascination hasn’t reach that point where I’d go surfing the net for him.
I didn’t go buy their posters nor plastic envelopes with their pictures on in. I didn’t go buy their playing cards nor their bath towels. But, I was slowly obsessing over JY. I was going over with a fine-toothed comb our newspapers at the office for even the minutest news on F4 esp. JY. I was doing those mini-movies in my mind where the highly improbable happens: I get to meet him in person and have a chance to talk to him and maybe a bouns kiss on the cheek :-)
Then I discovered that when I type "jerry yan" on my yahoo search bay. A plethora of sites open up. Portals all leading to JY are there. All I have to do is click and WHAM! All the details I want to know are there.
Now, I got to know who JY was. What he wants , what his ideals are, etc. I got a glimpse of JY the man. Someone who’s so much a departure from DMS. Now, I wasn’t only hooked. I was drugged.
I searched (still are) the internet for anything Jerry Yan. I enjoy talking about him to friends and family. I just can’t get enough of him. I have a Pepsi Poster, an MK poster and my phone home screen is Jerry Yan. I live and breath JY.
And now it has come full circle, my sister now teases me relentlessly about him. But, I don’t mind. I’m a fan. I’m entitled to be giggly, feel giddy and smile stupidly whenever I pass by his billboards along EDSA. I have the right to watch his debut film as many times as I want to... because i'm a fan.
Because, I'm a Jerry Yan fan and proud of it! :-)?"
what meteor catcher wrote in reaction to gaga- over-dao's confession:
"hi ms gaga-over-dao. : ) i know exactly how you feel. as in!!
I am into dao that i feel that he has become a part of my life.
I work in a call center so i arrive home from work at around 2 in the morning. Afterwhich, ill log into the computer, get the latest news, upload files, pix, videos even etc. I have actually completed downloaded evry song of the f4 into my fone. so when im bored i just lisen to it. Im so happy just passing by edsa knowing that ill be seeing there billboards. thank god for ben chan and pepsi and yamaha..and ofcourse abs cbn who has brought them into the philippines. I couldnt get enough of the f4, most esp dao, so i bought MG1 and MG2, Meteor Rain, went to their concerts almost dying of happiness, bought magazines and read them ofer and over again. ive grown to love his song- yao ding ni and all of their songs for that matter. the difference with me and you is that, I've grown to love dao, eversince they were first shown in the TV. I remember, rushing to get home just to watch it. And when the fone at home rang for me to answer, i wouldnt trade my watching of Meteor garden for anything. he he he. First thing that happened was I got addicted to MG and slowly, I developed a certain admiration for them all. on my part it has always been dao. I have been known as meteor garden fan at the office, i dont care what they think of me. Just like what you said, I'm a Jerry Yan fan and proud of it! :-). I love you dao!! I miss you!! Funny Im going crazy over him..and im even delighted that there are a lot of us who share the same feelings.
So cheers for you and me and the rest who the jerry yan fans!!
And ofcourse to you my beloved DAO,