Mar 17, 2009

It is not really hard for me to be compassionate about the people I meet or I am with. Because of all the virtues in the world, I have the most affinity with compassion. And I brag about it because it's true. I cry like I'm the one hurt when my broken-hearted friends sulk about love. I secretly weep when I pass beggars on the street. I join various causes to help & I cry a gazillion sobs every time I watch "Wish Ko Lang" for chrissakes! So, wonder where this late rant is leading to?

Well, here: If you want me to feel for you, then have the decency to tell me your story & not insult me (a compassionate-listener-fool), by commenting, "Oh no! I don't wanna end up like you". THAT has got to be the worst insult I've ever received, thank you very much! I was giving you the best advice I could think of only to be insulted in that way- you, in front of me, smiling, tackless while I staggered & grasped the reality of what I just heard. Incredible, you're effing incredible! I had to fight my sleeping bitch self to just laugh it all off. Ugh.

Thank God, it was my good-girl complex day. Otherwise, you'll see how a real bitch can be.

Mar 4, 2009

I am perpetually postponing every possible blogging opportunities I have in exchange for a new found love- tumblr! For almost 2 months now, I have never let a day pass without posting and reblogging cool pictures, music, videos, texts and of course, quotes, most especially quotes. I plead guilty of addiction ;)

Tumblr resembles an online scrapbook, where art is raved, almost always. I first came across a tumblr from julia and tere and overflowing. And it was all very pretty, arty and inspirational! And I love it so much I decided to create my own too. Check it out! Enjoy!